Cultivate your Existence®
Krauss Real Property Brokerage is a family owned residential real estate brokerage founded in 2007. We are a collection of innovative, thoughtful professionals who care deeply about our clients and our craft. For every client there is a quest; a quest that becomes our cause. We listen inquisitively, plan strategically, and deploy with unmatched energy and expertise. You are not data. You are people. You have real questions and real goals. We honor that. You bring the purpose, and we will bring the joy to your expedition. You have a vision for what you desire… a mudroom fit for a ceo, river access for your canoe, rustic outbuildings, an art studio, a nursery, then a separate wing for your children, peaceful paths that meander, gardens that invigorate, stoves that inspire, or a dining room that beckons for a feast. Or maybe you don’t know. Either way we will tap into our vast network, summon our skills and knowledge of place, and endeavor to connect you to a home that calls to you like Ithaca to Odysseus.
And when it is time to step away, to pass the baton, and begin your journey anew we will be there to help you sell. Expressive photography. Sophisticated marketing. An essential appreciation of what buyers are seeking and what your home offers. These are invaluable qualities in a crowded market. We live by the motto of dedication and differentiation in both service and presentation. With over a billion dollars in sales and over fifteen hundred closings we’ve tested our transactional mettle, and honed our skills to assist you in achieving your ultimate goal. We are resolutely committed to providing our clients the highest quality of representation.
The romance of 18th century architecture, or perhaps a stark steel and glass cube giving way to harbor views, the buzz of a busy cul-de-sac, the epic vistas of Maryland’s hallowed horse country, the character of an in town abode; we’ve seen and sold them all. We are traders of a most unusual sort. An algorithm will not find your next home, but we can. Be inspired. Collect your thoughts, collect your things, and try it all again. Now is not the time just to survive, but to thrive. Create your own museum, your memories. Go simple, go extravagant, upsize, downsize, dabble in urbanity, tap into your inner pioneer. Align with a guide, and let us help you cultivate your existence.
We are native Baltimoreans dedicated to our area and our clients with a unique flair for the art of uniting human and home. We thank all of our past clients and look forward to our future journeys.